by Adam David Broughton | | Grammar, Language analysis
“It is easier, far easier, to obey another than to command oneself”, Irvin D. Yalom At first, the crowd laughed at this young man’s funny style. Others who had seen it for the first time compared it to watching a fish in a boat trying to get back into the water. But...
by Adam David Broughton | | Grammar, Language analysis, Practice, Pronunciation, Vocabulary
Boiled eggs, bananas, and nuts. This is the packed lunch I have every working day. I usually throw in a handful of raisins, maybe even a couple of apples if I’m feeling crazy. But always boiled eggs, bananas, and nuts. I don’t have to time to go home to cook...
by Adam David Broughton | | Education, Language analysis, Motivation, Practice
It’s so true. The best classroom learners generally really annoy and frustrate traditional teachers. After all, the teacher has prepared their (possibly irrelevant) material to try to put into their students’ heads, planned the class with what they’ll say and when...
by Adam David Broughton | | Language analysis
Let’s get talking! Leave a comment on this post There’s a scene in The Matrix that everyone remembers. No, not the one where the woman in black leather nails the guy in the face with that Matrix-style flying kick. The other one. After weeks of training during...